Cleaning up the mean streets of the internet - because somebody's gotta do it. From the cyberpunk hellscape of Neo-Chicago, Officer Kevin and Officer Grant monitor the world wide web so you don't have to. Leave us a voicemail to play on the show: 312-788-7361 or send an audio file to thoughtcopspodcast@gmail.com The Thought Cops have deputized a number of your favorite thought leaders, content creators, comedians, online personalities, and more, in their effort to clean up the internet once and for all.

Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Case File 61 with Lil Slime
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Welcome to Episode 61 of Thought Cops! This week, we're joined by Lil Slime aka SpookyboiUWU aka kevin watch the light dude aka this guy:
You won't get it unless you're a 90's kid.
This episode, we talk about the troubling trend of irresponsible, one-sided gaming articles plaguing our country. Also though, we talk about Soundcloud clout goblins, garlic that comes out in a single clove, the yodeling boy, "Zayn" from "One Direction," Google forgetting to doodle Easter, and millennials snorting condoms I guess.
Our very own Officer Kevin was on this week's episode of the Dick Show with Dick Masterson. Check it out here!
Smash that subscribe button!

Tuesday Apr 03, 2018
Case File 60 with Aaron Klopfer
Tuesday Apr 03, 2018
Tuesday Apr 03, 2018
Welcome to Episode 60 of Thought Cops! Tonight, the Cops welcome local Chicago comedian Aaron Klopfer.
This week, we're punishing people using the new brackets meme, identity thieves, unsolicited pleas from Soundcloud artists, and kids I went to school with in Kindergarten that make up rhymes to make you take less time at the drinking fountain.
Also, we cover the possible revival of Last Man Standing, if Seinfeld or Friends were rebooted who the Trump voter would be, Jim Carrey's artistic depictions of the President, and the public's need for a Disney princess who's had an abortion.
We also got a cool fan art from @mattcirc on Twitter. Check it out! He put more effort into this picture than we put into our logo. Thanks Matt!
Don't forget to drop us a review on iTunes. Starting next episode, we're going to start closing out episodes with the five star reviews on our iTunes page. We'll read anything you write. No n-words please.
Also subscribe to our Patreon. Officer Kevin's going to be going out to L.A. in a week, and we're going to record bonus episode number 2 around the week of the 20th. So get on it! Namaste.

Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Case File 59 with Producer Zwick
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Welcome to Thought Cops, Episode 59! Tonight, Jay welcomes: Zwick, audio engineer and producer extraordinaire! AKA, the guy that edits audio for Asterios Kokkinos. You can find him on twitter at @dude2o. Or if you're angry at him for some reason, @dude20.
This week, we're hating for a full 2 minutes on the real color of tennis balls, professional journalist Pim Tool, and people who brag about how they aren’t going to watch problematic content creator’s content. Here's the Tim Pool video Zwick referenced in the episode:
We also talk about the Count Dankula verdict and Ricky Gervais' newest special. Count Dankula is the guy who was recently convicted in Scotland for the crime of teaching his girlfriend's pug to do a Nazi salute. Yeah, seriously.
With him being found guilty of being offensive, there's barely a reason for us to keep doing this show. Just kidding, tweet all your hate speech to @policescotland because fuck those people. It won't change anything, but it might make you feel better.
In the meantime, check out our Patreon, leave us a review on iTunes, and leave us a voicemail at 312-788-7361.

Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
Case File 58 with Jake of Big Sword Panel and Mr. Ben Carson
Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
Hello, and welcome to episode 58 of Thought Cops! Live from the city of Yew Nork on March 21st, the Year of Malort. This week, we're joined by Jake of Big Sword Panel and Ben Carson. Not the brain surgeon, the guy who did our awesome artwork.
This episode, we talk about stupid movie trailers, celebrity death catharsis, unsolicited social media followers, Elon Musk's foray into the world of comedy, Luigi's penis, Lara Croft's boobs, and United's competition with PETA to see who can kill the most animals.
Don't forget to leave us a review on iTunes if you haven't already. Also, don't forget to subscribe to our two dollar tier on our Patreon for our monthly bonus episodes. Right now there's only one episode, but a new month approaches so get on that shit.

Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Case File 57 with Deputy Josh
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Welcome to Episode 57 of Thought Cops! This week, we're joined by Deputy Josh, who makes up 100% of our South Korean fan base. Everyone give him a big "Konnichiwa."
Before we start off about this week, some news and announcements. First off, hello to any and all new listeners. This weekend alone, both Thought Cops were on Asterios's Kokkino's's Science Friction bonus episode, Engineer Riley's podcast Anti-Social Engineering, and Officer Grant was on an episode of Dick Masterson's The Dick Show. So if you're from any of those places: welcome, and hope you enjoy the show! Don't forget to subscribe and rate us on iTunes if you wish. We're glad to have you.
THIS WEEK though, we're outraged about people trademarking Mundane Phrases™, overly performative reaction videos to video games and anime, and strangely beautiful halo brows.
This episode we begin a new segment called "Beef Before Potatoes," in which we start a beef with Rucka Rucka Ali for posting this obscene plagiarism of our logo. Catch him alive and turn him in and we'll give you a free bonus episode.
We also share our thoughts on the Oscars, Brooklyn Barbecue taking over the world, McDonald's flipping its logo upside down because Wario took over the company, Tupac being boring, white supremacist podcasts, and inclusion riders. This is one you're not going to want to miss.
Don't forget to drop us a voicemail at 312-788-7361. If that's the wrong number, please don't call it and pretend to be Osama Bin Laden. Also follow us on Twitter if you haven't already, at @realthoughtcops for all your outrage needs.

Monday Mar 05, 2018
Case File 56 with Mike Mancini
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Welcome to Episode 56 of Thought Cops! This week, we're joined by Mike Mancini of The Black Sheep and formerly of Booze Before Noon, R.I.P. in Peace. Booze Before Noon, not Mike Mancini.
This episode, we're talking Porn Viruses, the use of the "n-word" while studying law at DePaul, fat-shaming cancer research ads, @carloscruz2016, boners sticking out of sleeping bags, Kim Kardashian's anime obsession, and much, much more.
Thanks for listening!

Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Case File 55 with Gumshoe Russell
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Welcome to Episode 55 of Thought Cops! This week, we're joined by Gumshoe Russel from Surf Party USA.
This episode, we pour ourselves a nice cold glass of chocolate milk to celebrate diversity, as we talk about Gucci Turbans, Fergie destroying America's freedom, people proving Steven Crowder wrong, and Christian apologist Dinesh D'Souza takes some grieving teenagers down a peg. Here's a live video of that:
Also, here's an awesome animation B. Cupcheeks did for us. Check him out on Instagram.
In case you need some brain bleach after this week, we'll be recording our first ever bonus episode this upcoming weekend. You can find it at patreon.com/thoughtcops for the low price of $2 a month. So sign up and stay tuned.
Like always, drop us a subscribe and a review on iTunes, leave us a voicemail at 773-788-7361, and follow our Twatter.

Tuesday Feb 20, 2018
Case File 54 with The Stenographer
Tuesday Feb 20, 2018
Tuesday Feb 20, 2018
Welcome to Thought Cops! This week, we're joined by our show's Stenographer, who still hasn't done a single transcript of the show. We're going to drop her pay another 7%. What's 7% of zero?
Speaking of pay, make sure to sign up for our Patreon, at patreon.com/thoughtcops. We're going to do our first bonus episode in the next week or two, and it's only $2. Hurry while supplies last! We've already started doing live streams of the episodes, which we'll be doing every week.
This episode, we're talking about Bitcoin carnivores, the "RANCH!" meme, people watching Netflix while walking on public sidewalks, the Peter Rabbit controversy, and the Obama portraits.
Thanks to everyone who's left reviews on iTunes recently. If you haven't yet, you can do so here. Thanks and gahbless.

Tuesday Feb 13, 2018
Case File 53 with Biggest Mikey
Tuesday Feb 13, 2018
Tuesday Feb 13, 2018
Welcome to Thought Cops, Episode 53! This week we're joined by Biggest Mikey of the Biggest Mikey Podcast! You can find him on Twitter, Youtube, Patreon, iTunes, and fuckin a hundred other places if you Google his name. So make sure to give his show a listen, I think fans of this show would enjoy his show very much.
This episode, Mikey helps us take down people in online bloodsports, people who use the fake movie format meme, and idiotic scientific studies that only serve to project a cartoonish worldview, much like you would see on Toon Town.
But this week's top story is Black Panther getting a bad review. One person gave the movie a 3/5 on Rotten Tomatoes, and humanity decided to give him a 1/5 as a person. We're currently working on getting Rotten Tomatoes taken off the internet. We also talk about non-crunching, quiet, lady-Doritos that may or may not exist, and the backlash against Amy Schumer's new movie. Because although Amy Schumer is fat and ugly, she's not fat enough and not ugly enough for some people. Yeah, you read that right.
We're gearing up to do our first bonus episode on Patreon, so make sure to subscribe here. We'll do at least one every month, and they're only $2. With "Thought Cops" being 1984 related, the name of the bonus episodes are going to be something having to do with Fahrenheit 451. Expect to see the first one within a month.
We're also working on a new logo, so make sure to SUBSCRIBE TO US ON PATREON so we can pay for it!

Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
Case File 52 with Dave Pretendo aka SephirothSword57
Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
Tuesday Feb 06, 2018
Welcome to episode 52 of Thought Cops! This week, we're joined by Dave Pretendo of SephirothSword57 fame. Here's one of his hilarious videos regarding the recent Logan Paul controversy. Take a look:
This week, considering we've hit episode 52, marks almost a year since we started the podcast. So to celebrate that, we're announcing our very own PATREON! To give you the rundown, we have different rewards for monthly bonus episodes, behind the scenes videos, and much more! All the money we collect from the Patreon will go back into paying for the show's expenses, like the RSS feed and web hosting. Make sure to check it out and donate a couple bucks so we can continue to make this show the best it can be.
Like always, thanks for listening. Please make sure to subscribe and review us on iTunes. Call us at 312-788-7361 and leave us a voicemail. Oh, and SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PATREON!